My Journey to Parenthood Part 2
Part 1 is here, in case you missed the lead up. :)
I drove to hubbie's work, and called him on the way telling him in tears he needed to meet me outside. Poor guy thought I'd been hurt or in some kind of minor accident, but I couldn't wait until the end of the day to tell him. I pulled up and before I could even say hi I was waving around the positive pregnancy test. He was so happy, he cried.
Not 100% believing the pregnancy test, I called the OBs office to book some blood work ASAP, and she faxed over a rec to the lab. Relief settled over me when I got the confirmation call back the next day - we were pregnant! Freshly pregnant. My HCG levels were very low. Another blood test a week later and our HCG levels had risen nicely.
It was really hard to sit tight and not share this with anyone. Really hard. We'd been waiting for so long, we wanted to shout it from the rooftops.
As luck would have it, we got a three-way call from my hub's brother. He'd set it up to share HIS good news with his parents and us. They were expecting their first bundle of joy on Nov 19th. We didn't want to 'rain on their parade', but felt it best to also share since we were talking to the in-laws long distance. We also announced our amazing news, and our estimated birth date of November 10th. To say my in-laws were over the moon is a mild understatement. They weren't getting their first grandbaby in November, they would be getting TWO, and within a possible ten days of each.
In the sense of fairness, we now needed to tell my parents. It was late by time my dad finished work and we drove out to their house in the boonies. Of course, this was strange behavior for us to come over so late. It was nearly 10 pm on a weeknight. Back then, there were no neat ways of announcing a pregnancy, or at least we didn't search them out, but I had a pretty good line.
"Hey Mom, Dad. Tonight we found out some good news. Hubs brother and sister in law are expecting a baby November 19... nine days after us."
It took a second or two for that news to register - but I still remember the smiles on my parent's faces. They were going to be grandparents!
After sharing the good news with my brother and his fiancee the next day, it was a free for all. I had a six week ultrasound to date the pregnancy, which gave us November 11th. We would be the first to give hubs' side and my side a grandbaby. Oh how I laugh now about that.
If getting pregnant was hard, then the blessing was an easy pregnancy. I had no complaints about the growing baby we affectionately called JellyBean. Sure there were a lot of personal issues going on:
My Journey to Parenthood Part 2
I drove to hubbie's work, and called him on the way telling him in tears he needed to meet me outside. Poor guy thought I'd been hurt or in some kind of minor accident, but I couldn't wait until the end of the day to tell him. I pulled up and before I could even say hi I was waving around the positive pregnancy test. He was so happy, he cried.
Not 100% believing the pregnancy test, I called the OBs office to book some blood work ASAP, and she faxed over a rec to the lab. Relief settled over me when I got the confirmation call back the next day - we were pregnant! Freshly pregnant. My HCG levels were very low. Another blood test a week later and our HCG levels had risen nicely.
It was really hard to sit tight and not share this with anyone. Really hard. We'd been waiting for so long, we wanted to shout it from the rooftops.
As luck would have it, we got a three-way call from my hub's brother. He'd set it up to share HIS good news with his parents and us. They were expecting their first bundle of joy on Nov 19th. We didn't want to 'rain on their parade', but felt it best to also share since we were talking to the in-laws long distance. We also announced our amazing news, and our estimated birth date of November 10th. To say my in-laws were over the moon is a mild understatement. They weren't getting their first grandbaby in November, they would be getting TWO, and within a possible ten days of each.
In the sense of fairness, we now needed to tell my parents. It was late by time my dad finished work and we drove out to their house in the boonies. Of course, this was strange behavior for us to come over so late. It was nearly 10 pm on a weeknight. Back then, there were no neat ways of announcing a pregnancy, or at least we didn't search them out, but I had a pretty good line.
"Hey Mom, Dad. Tonight we found out some good news. Hubs brother and sister in law are expecting a baby November 19... nine days after us."
It took a second or two for that news to register - but I still remember the smiles on my parent's faces. They were going to be grandparents!
After sharing the good news with my brother and his fiancee the next day, it was a free for all. I had a six week ultrasound to date the pregnancy, which gave us November 11th. We would be the first to give hubs' side and my side a grandbaby. Oh how I laugh now about that.
If getting pregnant was hard, then the blessing was an easy pregnancy. I had no complaints about the growing baby we affectionately called JellyBean. Sure there were a lot of personal issues going on:
- Hubs was studying for his CMA final.
- I got fired from my job in April. It was uber nasty and ended up going to the labour board for dispute and lawyers got involved. Fun times - but we eventually settled when I was eight months pregnant. Needless to say, after that incident, I found out who my friends were (and weren't).
- Hubs passed his CMA exam.
- My brother got married and I officiated the wedding. Yes, I wanted to do it Princess Bride style, but held back. Maybe for their 20th anniversary.
- I started a temp job but because of the missing weeks due to the firing, it greatly affected my mat leave and mat pay. :(

Then November rolled around. All baby clothes were gender neutral, washed and a couple packed in the bag. We attended baby prep classes and labour prep classes. The crib was set up. November 11 came and went. So did the 12th. And 13th. And 14th.
The afternoon of the 19th, my brother-in-law called and announced I was an aunt. My niece was born that morning. Yes and damn! We were supposed to be first. Oh well. That night I held my niece and told my unborn child it was him/her I wanted to be holding and anytime would be great to go into labour.
Lo and behold, the next morning I woke up and started having contractions.
To be continued... My Journey to Parenthood Part 3.
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