A DIY Foosball game

Every year in my family, we have a tradition we stick to (and have for over 30 years). It's to draw a name at Thanksgiving and you make a gift for that name. On Christmas Eve (or Christmas Day as it's moved to now), we present our handmade gifts. It started out with four family members and grew to include spouses, and a couple years back the kids were old enough to join in, so now there's ten of us. It's probably the most exciting part for our family - to see what the others have crafted and created with their own hands. Over the years, there have been so many unique handmade gifts -- housecoats, chess boards with golf players for pieces, under the bed storage units, wedding scrapbooks, string art designs and so much more. This year, I drew my youngest's name and struggled with what to make him that A) he wouldn't see me creating. It is supposed to remain a secret until the big reveal and B) something that was sturdy and can withstand a tough play...