October -- A Month in Review

It's November 1st, which for many authors (myself included) is the start to NaNoWriMo--National November Writing Month. The goal is to get 50,000 words down in one month. It's fun, exhausting but completely amazing. But that's for next month's blog post. ;)

October was a whirlwind month, mostly as a month spent behind the scenes.
Promo spots are booked for the upcoming release If You Say Yes, coming out Nov 17th. A few wonderful authors (Magali A. Frechette, Emma Tharp, Em Shotwell <- give them some love!) are going to help me out too. How great is this community of writers?

It took a bit of back and forth, but I got a cover designed nineteen days before release. So much for a slow cover release, eh? Oh well, lesson learned for the next one. But she did a great job, wouldn't you agree?

And speaking of next one, a short story turned novella turned short novel fell out of me in October. It's sitting around 50K (before any editing), and features a female lead more in line with me than any character I've written before. She's definitely no Aurora and light years away from Charlotte. The male lead? Totally different than Jack or Andrew, or Nate or Lucas, but just as lovable. I'm debating how to release this one, and when. I could post a chapter a week on my blog like the uber-talented Anya Rousselle, or release it around Valentine's Day as a quick read. Thoughts? Ideas?

Well, off to write the next story for NaNo. I'm going to try something new. Rather than a set or a trilogy, I'm writing a series. Each novel about a set of characters, with their own plot line(s), but each as a standalone. Should be fun. I hope. We'll see.

Thanks for reading.


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