My Journey to Parenthood Part 3

To get caught up, you can read Part 1 and Part 2 My Journey to Parenthood Part 3 Well, finally, nine days after my estimated due date of November 11, I was having contractions. They began at ten am Saturday morning, and were intense on and off all day long. And night. And into the next morning. They were not regular, but enough to catch my breath and occupy my thoughts. They kept me awake, and hubs on occasion, when they were too painful to deal with alone. But as much as they commanded my attention, they hadn't slipped into that nice easy pattern the Labour & Delivery nurses wanted. Sunday we timed them as we were seeing that glorious rhythm - every nine to ten minutes, roughly forty-five seconds long. According to our labour cheat sheet - we were in labour. Yahoo. Finally. We walked; we rested; we checked in with the hospital. Because the contractions were not close enough together, if we came in for an assessment, we'd just be sent home. Not what we wanted ...