Shander's Shenanigans: My Week in Review October 2 - 8

My Week in Review: October 2 - 8, 2016

Two exciting things happened this week.

My birthday was on Thursday. I won't tell you how old I am except to say I'm now using the term 30 something. I won't tell you what the something is in numbers, as I hate the number I'm at. 

My birthday is always been bittersweet. Five years ago I buried my best friend on it. Losing her has been one of the hardest things I've had to deal with. There are still things that surface that slap me across the face, and knock the wind out of my sails. Time has healed the rip in my heart, but there is still a huge scar.
So for that reason, I don't really celebrate it. And that's okay. I'll see my parents, get lots of text/email/FB/twitter messages (for which I'm very grateful), but I don't celebrate it with a huge party. Not my thing. I'm more of a small gathering, intimate kind of gal. :)

Another exciting thing happened this week.

I finished writing That Summer. This is the expanded portion (aka a novella of 30,000 words) of Duly Noted readers will want to read. A story of love and courage, but most importantly, the beautiful story between two lost souls.

For now, this is the working blurb:

All Aurora wants is a happy-ever-after with Nate.

But a teeny-tiny problem stands in her way. She’s terrified of vehicles, and fights daily with staying clean from a prescription drug abuse problem. Plus, her and Nate broke up. Upon learning of his planned retirement, she believes it’s all because of her.  

Nate can’t leave his love for her, and she’s refuses to let it happen. She needs to conquer her fears, and push herself harder than ever before. In order to succeed, she needs to believe in herself. Of her body and her mind. It’s a scary battle between determination and terror. And she has nine weeks.
Stepping out of her comfort zone, she enlists help from the one man she trusts implicitly.  

Lucas is a race car driver, her best friend and Nate’s younger brother. Drill Sargent, cheerleader, and shoulder to cry on, he wants nothing more than to watch her succeed. However strong emotions surface during training sessions that scare Aurora and threaten her friendship with Lucas.  Is it too much? How will she beat her darkest fears and get her happy ever after?

What do you think?

Also, in writing That Summer the main character needs to write down the things that make her happy. I thought, this should be something I should do, and being that today is Thanksgiving, what better time to start. Each week I'm going to list 5 things I'm happy for. This week's is easy...

  • My family
  • My friends
  • My jobs
  • The roof over my head
  • The clothes on my back
What things are you thankful for? 


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