Shander's Shenanigan's: A Week in Review October 23 - 29

Another week has passed by, another week to be thankful for all my blessings.

Things I'm grateful: (in no particular order)

  • My "nephew" coming for supper. He was once a baby that I took care off (along with his older siblings). For the first seven years of his life, I was a daily fixture in it. We did everything together, and he even attended the school I taught at, until I had my own children. He's like a big brother to my kids, and the fun reaches stratospheric heights when we're all together. I love it - and love him. I affectionately call him my 'first son'. It's easier than the-boy-i-used-to-take-care-of. ;) 
  • Hubs taking a day off. He took a weekday off, and after I attended to some 'at home' work, we had a nice leisurely lunch at an "adults" restaurant. We spent the child-free day together and reconnected. It was nice and unexpected, as he didn't make the decision until Thursday night. 

  • For a working vacuum. Sounds crazy, but without one, I was a little off. I pride myself on a neat and tidy house, and without it and knowing I was having company, it bothered me. However, hubs brought it home from the repair shop and I cleaned like a crazy person. :) 
  • For the flying lights in Hawrelak Park. Not sure what the event was, or any of the reasoning for it (I posted a query on Twitter but got no response), but it was beautiful to watch. To see the paper lanterns - or whatever they were - rise into the air truly was mesmerizing. The picture doesn't do it justice. 
  • I'm thankful my introvert of a son had a friend over for supper. It was neat to meet him, and engage with him, and see how well the two of them get along. I'm thankful my son has such a good friend in this young man. :) 
As always, thanks for reading! Keep smiling and looking for rainbows after the storm. 


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