Shander's Shenanigans: A Week in Review October 9 - 15

Another crazy busy week, but also loaded with lots of fun. Why not? If life's not fun, then it's time to find out what makes you happy.

Five things I'm grateful for this week:

1 - A trip to the mountains. To be within a four hour drive of something so picturesque. We spent some time walking around Pyramid Lake Island (and if any of you follow Amazing Race Canada, it was a check-in spot on the first or second leg). Here is a pic I took of the bridge that takes you to the island. The skies were broken cloud, but the lake was calm. Reflective even.

2 - Good friends to travel with. I spent the weekend surrounded with males (hubs, kids, and another couple) and never felt safer. :) Our friends are fun, and we're very like minded, so it makes hanging out easy and relaxing. 

3 - Seeing Bill Nye. We travelled to Jasper, and got to spend a couple of hours listening to Bill Nye and his brand of comedy. Although his talk of choice was to focus on Global Warming and was a little over my kid'd head, the way he told his stories was interesting enough to keep my kids captive for the nearly two hour show. 

4 - Big fat, fluffy snowflakes. There is something awe-inspiring about sitting in a hot tub surrounded by mountains, breathing in the fresh air, as the big, fluffy snowflakes swirl around you. It's magical and wonderful. And I'm glad it happened after we'd parked our vehicle for the night.

5 - The way my kids love each other. They're your typical boys with markedly different personalities, who squabble daily over little things. But every once in a while, they melt my heart. A snuggle with each other as they watch something they have in common - a deep love of science. Aww.

Thanks for reading! What are five things you're grateful for this week?


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