Music is so important, in movies and in books.

Music is so important, in books and movies. Ever watch a movie without the music playing? It changes the scene, and even though there can be great dialogue and fantastic acting, it's not the same.
Unfortunately, this is not possible for books to have certain songs playing in the background as you read over the scenes. If it were, I'd have a variety built in.
There are certain songs though, that when I hear them, I think of certain books as it matches the themes.

For Run Away Charlotte, one song always stops me in my tracks when I hear it. I see Charlotte talking to Andrew, laying it all out as the communication shuts down between the two of them and how in that moment, she breaks and makes the worst decision of her life. A Great Big World's "Say Something" wrecks me, as I figured Charlotte was in that heartbreaking moment.

"And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye"
-- A Great Big World

For the novel Ask Me Again no song seemed to convey Charlotte's desire and longing to escape her demons and run into the safety of true love better than Chantal Kreviazuk's Home. This song would be the song playing as you read into the final chapters. 

"If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
If you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done
-- Chantal Kreviazuk 

For Duly Noted, the theme song for the book came while I was driving around singing to an older CD I'd popped in. Suddenly, a scratchy version of Garth Brooks' "When You Come Back to Me Again" and those first few notes hit me. Yes! This was Aurora's struggle. She didn't think anyone believed in her and she was a lonely ship at the mercy of the sea. Until she meets Nate. To me, it was the whole novel condensed into a few minutes of good ole Garth Brooks. I can't send you to his official link as he didn't make a video for this, but there are several covers on youTube.

"'Cause there's a lighthouse, in a harbor
Shining faithfully
Pouring its light out, across the water
For this sinking soul to see
That someone out there still believes in me"
-- Garth Brooks

Of course, the music changed a little when Aurora meets Nate's little brother, Lucas, and the two of them hit it off becoming best friends, at least to Aurora, in That Summer. Lucas on the other hand... well, James Arthur's "Say You Won't Let Go" sums it up perfectly and it carries over beautifully into the final book of the trilogy. 

 "I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed"
-- James Arthur

For that final installment in the Aurora MacIntyre trilogy, the last book If You Say Yes, there was a whole playlist involved, songs that would be playing in the background if it were a movie starring... well that's a blog post for another day.

When I started the Ladies of Westside series, the music was a little trickier, but only in the sense that I didn't know what each character was going through until it was written. The music didn't come suddenly or seem to match any song. It took a long while to find the right one. 

For Serving Up Innocence, there was Collin Raye's "Not That Different". It hit home as the family-centric, play-by-the-rules Shayne is quite a bit different than the bohemian and carefree Korey who captures her heart. And for a bit, they wonder if they are strong enough to make the best of their differences.

"She said we're much too different
We're from two separate worlds
And he admitted she was partly right
But in his heart's defense he told her
What they had in common
Was strong enough to bond them for life"
-- Collin Raye

Serving Up Devotion, is still a struggle and I'm actually still trying to find a general theme song for this one. I haven't yet heard one that captures all the emotions and soul of the book. Its tough when you're dealing with a head-strong orphaned heroine who's sole purpose is to give her brother a better life. Love just isn't on the do-to list. However I'm all game to hear any suggestions. When I wrote this book, there wasn't anything playing in the background aside from classical show tunes. 

Serving Up Secrecy is a story about withholding information from another, and one song hits that on the head - Shania Twain's "No One Needs to Know". Just the like the main character, Josephine, she has no immediate need to share with her one-night stand the baby she's kept hidden from him, even though she finds herself falling in love with the man who never wants children. 

"I got my heart set, my feet wet

And he don't even know it yet
But no one needs to know right now
I'll tell him someday some way somehow
But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now"
-- Shania Twain

For Serving Up Hope, the song that most captures the essence of Meghan being invited to her former fiance's wedding and finding the perfect date to accompany her, and finding herself falling for the guy who writes the most amazing letters is "You Could've Been Anyone" by Carole King. 

"Funny how I feel more myself with you
Than anybody else that I ever knew
I hear it in your voice, see it in your face
You've become the memory I can't erase"
-- Carole King

Do you have a favourite song? One that you'd say was your theme song?


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