Serving Up Hope

Serving Up Hope - Book Four

Single male needed for former fiance's wedding.
Must pretend to be my boyfriend for the day.
Steady employment necessary, must look great in a suit and be between the ages of 25 - 40.
Bonus points if similar in nature to a Disney prince.

Meghan Carter, the owner of Westside, is blindsided when she receives an invitation to her ex's
wedding; the one who left her at the altar four years ago. Whatever the motive behind the invite, she needs to show up and prove she's better off without him. On the arm of the perfect man would be the best kind of revenge.

The workaholic reluctantly sets up a dating profile and through the slush pile, four potential candidates seem acceptable. However, there's one she feels a connection with as he understands the motivation behind needing the fake date and is willing to be her arm candy.

She didn't join the dating site to be jerked around, and she didn't join it to find an everlasting love, but feelings start blossoming. Is the attraction real, or is someone saying everything she's desperate to hear? Because she just crawled out of the dark hole and she doesn't want to fall back in. Ever again. 

And for fun, here is Meghan's dating profile and the other acceptable candidates. 

releasing February 13, 2019

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Others in the Series: 

Serving Up Innocence - Book One - October 3rd
Serving Up Devotion - Book Two - November 21st
Serving Up Secrecy - Book Three - January 2nd


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