2018 Goals

Alright 2018 - I'm ready for you! Bring it on. 

My goals are lofty and ambitious, but I think I can achieve them. 

To do more giveaways. Watch my twitter and facebook pages for more details.
Finish up Joy's story by Jan 30.
Write Meghan's story by March 15. 
Select covers for the four books in the Westside Series by March 30. 
Secure editing for all four books. 
To swallow my fear and talk to the powers that be at our local book store that carries local authors.
Contact bloggers for the fall release of the entire series. 
Release the books 4 - 6 weeks apart starting mid to late September. 
Continue to promote the hell out of other books.
Continue blogging. Perhaps even streamline it a bit, but we'll see. I like showing you parts of me that aren't always writerly. 
To stop be a stepping stone for others who abuse my time and generosity. 

To read 30 books or more.
To walk over 1000 kms. My treadmill's been neglected lately and I miss the feeling I got after a solid workout.
To pamper myself a little more; whether it be massages, facials or pedicures. 
To have more coffees/lunches with my friends. 
To de-clutter and rid my house of extra things - I'm having a wicked garage sale in the spring. Watch out! 
To reconnect with a lost friend - this will be a work in progress as a lot of hurt happened in the fallout.
To have a couple of great vacations. Planning on something wonderful for my 20th wedding anniversary, and something in the summer. 
To cherish time with my kids. It won't be long before hanging with mom will no longer be cool, got to max it out while I can. 

What about you? Do you have any goals for the upcoming year? 


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