So I did something today...

 For quite some time, I've wanted to cut my hair. Not just an inch or two, but LOTS. My hair (when straight, because I have naturally springy curls) is long. To the crook in my elbow long - which for me is really super long. Aside from regular maintenance trims, it hasn't really been shorter than shoulder length since just after the birth of my second child -- about 10 years ago. After deciding I wanted to make the cut, I started shopping around for a place to donate my hair to. If it's going to get chopped off, I'd be happier knowing it's going to go to good use.

Commence Operation Hair Donation.

A quick Google search yielded several options.
The first was the Brain Tumour Foundation - which listed several organizations. Sweet - so many choices.
The Canadian Cancer Society, Pantene Beautiful Lengths and others popped up in cross referenced searches. However, as I checked out their requirements, I started crossing them each off my list. And each had different length requirements - the majority being 10 inches. That's a fair amount of hair -- maybe not on the receiving end, but for the person with the donation. But it's hair - I'd be able to grow more (with any luck) and maybe that drastic a change would be good. I continue reading the requirements.
Damn - another roadblock.
Well, double damn. My hair's coloured.

Crossed many off my list due to that restriction.
Posted on Twitter and Facebook for recommendations.

Familiar names came in, and a few I hadn't checked out. As my list narrowed down, I found two I could donate to, where both our requirements could be met (length for me, and coloured hair for them). Then to be sure, I contacted both.
My top choice (shorter hair length - 8 inches) never got back to me (I tried Twitter, Facebook and email.) My second choice, was a longer donation - could I handle that? So I measured. Which is hard to do with curly hair. LOL.
Yep, decided I could handle 10 inches - which was probably closer to 11 by time the hairstylist cleaned up the cut.

 I took my kids for their haircuts and inquired with my own stylist. Could've saved myself so much agony. She explained how much they needed (9 inches) and they totally accept coloured hair.

No point in delaying what I wanted done. Booked my appointment for the very next day (and brought my kids along for the fun.) Why not? I've sat through enough of theirs. 😉

It's so long. 
Oh my. It's in a ponytail now.

Here she goes. 

 And just like that - my hair was gone! 

So short now. Where's my hair?

Oh my! That's incredible. 
But I did it. And hopefully someone will benefit from the donation. 
Did you know it takes between 10 -15 ponytails of donations to make ONE wig? You do now. 

 My hair's so short (to me) and it will take some getting used to. But I'm glad someone else will hopefully get it in 6 - 10% of their wig. I can't donate blood and until I die, I'm keeping my organs. In the meantime, I can do this.

Thanks for reading my journey.


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