My Week in Review: Nov 27 - Dec 3

Well, I can say I am honestly feeling a lot more in control of my feelings this week. I'm still using my cloak of invisibility, so I think that helps. I hide out and away, although I have been venting some feelings out into the twitter world.

So what am I thankful for?
  • Getting all things Christmas-y done. We put up our tree on Sunday and decorated up our living room. I addressed and started mailing out Christmas cards! First year I've had this done before December 1. Although I did get a twinge of sadness and shed a tear or two (or more) at having to NOT send my grandparents a Christmas card with pictures of the kids. They don't receive cards in Heaven, and Grandma's still in the hospital, barely holding on. 
  • Haircuts for the kids. Such a simple thing, really, but them getting haircuts makes me feel better. Like I'm doing the responsible parenting thing, and making them look respectable instead of kids with rat's nests on their heads. 
  • Helping my son with a Christmas project. Each year, as we have for the past couple dozen years, we draw names within my family and MAKE a present for that person. This is the only gift we open on Christmas Eve. With a family of ten (my parents, brother's fam and my fam), it's always an exciting challenge to create something that hasn't been already done. My youngest wanted to sew his project, so the two of us shopped for the right fabric, made the measurements and cut. Then I guided him as he sewed it together. I must say I'm truly impressed. And so is he - as he announced to everyone he's finished his project. I, on the other hand... 
  • The cover for my soon-to-be released novella - That Summer - is ready. It's sitting in a holding pattern until the final edits are done. But early feedback is very positive, so that's a great sign. I'm excited for it, and the direction it's going and how it will shake things up for the third book. :)
  • An afternoon at Gamer's Lodge. Took the kids there and spent the afternoon playing a couple of new games, drinking some iced tea, munching on popcorn and just hanging out together. Lots of un-plugged laughter.
  • A full tank of gas, windshield washer fluid changed out for the heavy-duty winter stuff good to -45C, and the emergency kit in the truck. The temps have been plummeting all day, and the outlook for the week is COLD. But we're ready. Bring it on - lol - not really. Just let the sun shine already! I foresee lots of hot meals, and snuggles under the warm blankets. 

Thanks for reading - have a great week everyone and stay warm! 


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