Prizes, Giveaways and ARCs - Oh my!

I have NINE days (as of this posting) until Duly Noted gets released into the public's hands. It's nervously exciting. 

To commemorate this joy, I have a variety of prizes, and ARCs (advanced reader copies) to giveaway. 

Firstly, there are six unique handcrafted bookmarks to giveaway. Each has a quote from the book, and a charm - which is mentioned in the novel. How to win one? Pre-order Duly Noted from any of these four e-book retailers - Smashwords, Kobo, iTunes or Amazon, and email me proof. Ta-da! You're entered. :) Purchase a paperback edition from me, and you're entered. Easy peasy. All bookmarks will be mailed or distributed June 21. 

Then I have a beautiful, handcrafted necklace I'm officially dubbing "The Aurora". It's special to the book, and contains Nate's colours. 
This one will be given away on July 31 to one lucky winner. The winner will be selected from ALL reviews posted on Goodreads, Amazon, Smashwords, iTunes or Kobo prior to that date. 
All authors, especially indie authors like myself, need the reviews. The more reviews, the higher in ranking I can climb, and the more likely it becomes that someone else will stumble upon my book. Sadly, and shocking to most lol, I don't have the marketing budget of the huge publishers, so I really rely on my readers - to maybe mention my book to someone, to leave a review, to (hopefully) rave about it. Plus, the more reviews, the more likely my own public library will pick it up. Trust me, reviews help out an indie author - BIG TIME. You don't even need to write much. Just something like "I loved this book. Nate was so dreamy." Or whatever. ;)
So if you leave a review for me, I'll put your name into the hat (or a random online generator) and you could win this beautiful necklace. 

Good luck - and thanks for reading and sharing with your friends. 


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