Free Read - Until Valentine's Day

To celebrate the season of love, I'm giving away free e-copies of Run Away Charlotte via Smashwords only.

One 5Star review:
it was amazing  ·
I started out giving this book 4 stars - but I was just lying to myself. It's been more than 36 hours since I finished the book, and I can't get it out of my head. The story, the characters, the emotions...I'm not even sure 5 stars is truly enough.

I love books that send me on an emotional roller-coaster. It helps me get lost in the story, in the experience of the book, and take the break from reality I look for when I read. And H.M. Shander's "Run Away Charlotte" is one of those books!

I laughed with them both. I cried with them both. I fell in love with them both. I hoped and wished and begged for a happy ending for them both. And, now I'll go read book two, Ask Me Again, with them both - because, like any true love...I'm just not ready to let them go yet!

To read more reviews, see my Goodreads page. To read it for free, use the code EC39G at Smashword's checkout. Enjoy the read. 


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