Excited for the upcoming Twitter contests

I can't wait for the contests to start.

I'm sitting on top of a polished manuscript Duly Noted and I absolutely love it - today at least. ;) It was born from an idea I had over the summer. The words started pouring out in September, and it was finished it near the end of November. 
Edited it, re-worked it and sent it off to my CP's. Then edited, re-worked it some more and now I'm happy with it. My CP's are happy. My beta's are thrilled. My BFF loves it (and yes her opinion counts most of all... wink wink). Plus, she's brutally honest too. No sugar coating from her. 

Anyways. So my baby is ready to venture out in the world. My pitches are ready. 

I will update which (if any) get "likes" and from whom.
Wish me luck.

And if you see one you like on Twitter, RT it freely, but under no circumstances "like" it. Save that for the publishers.

My pitches will be updated as the day goes on.

Good luck to my fellow writers.

These were my pitches, and my success. It was a fun day and hopefully these likes will turn into fulls and maybe a contract?? 

#1 Aurora has PTSD from a car crash & a Percocet addiction. But she's met her match in Nate - a man racing to help her.  - Two Faves - Limitless & BlueMoon 

#2 She has PTSD from a car crash & loves Percocet. She must overcome her fear of cars if she's to be a part of HIS world  - One Fav - RRPI

#3 Falling in love is hard enough. Throw in Aurora's drug addiction & Nate's PTSD-inducing hobby & you have .

#4 With his unusual method, can Nate help Aurora overcome her PTSD so she can be a part of HIS adrenaline fuelled world?  - two faves (Limitless & RRPI)

#5 When an event goes horribly wrong, it threatens to undo what Nate helped Aurora overcome. He survived, will she?

#6 How can Aurora stay with Nate when his hobby threatens to undo all her progress in overcoming her PTSD?


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