The Year Ahead...

I see so many people planning for the future, people reflecting on the past year and living in the moment.

So I'm going to do the same.

Things I am grateful for over the past year (in no particular order)

  • New Friends - it was a year when the door slammed shut on a 10 year friendship. However, with that bridge burnt (on her end), many new ones suddenly appeared and for that, I am very grateful. The world is a better place with friends. 
  • My Job - it's been one of those years, because of contracts and budget restrictions, where I had a job, and then I didn't, but I really did because the funds came from elsewhere. Then back to having it but losing it temporarily, to back on, to official with a pay raise - and most of that within the last 4 months! I truly hope 2016 is the year where stability reigns supreme. I love my job, have awesome supportive staff to work with and look forward to going. Every. Single. Day. :) 
  • My Family - it goes without saying I'm happy with them. My kids keep me entertained and there is NEVER a dull day with two busy boys. When it gets quiet, I worry. A lot. My hubs is wicked awesome and if it wasn't for his cooking skills (all of which I lack), we'd be relegated to cereal and sandwiches all the time. 
  • My Books - It's a place where my imagination can run wild and I have total control over what my characters say and do. Oh, who am I kidding. They control me and beg me to get their stories down. LOL. It's fun, I love doing it and maybe some day, I'll actually make money doing it. 
  • Twitter - I've loved being part of all the writing contests on twitter, all the new "friends" I've made and chat with constantly. I've learned lots, thanks to the agents/authors/publishers/editors etc who post wonderful tidbits of information. 
Things I look forward to accomplishing in 2016 (in no particular order)
  • Publishing one book (unless it's picked up by an agent/publishing group) by spring and hopefully having another ready by the end of the year. No idea at this point if they'll be connected. We'll see where my imagination goes. :) Although... I did have some thoughts on Andrew & Charlotte's story... 
  • Going to learn how to properly add GIFs to my website and blogger. Like really, how hard can it be? Apparently it's light years ahead of my skill level though so I have some work ahead of me. Haha! 
  • Read more books (I'll aim for at least 1 a month), and rate and review them - especially if they are NOT major authors. We all need the ratings/reviews to help push sales a bit. So here's your friendly reminder - if you've read either of my books, would you mind leaving a rating/review? 
  • To have people over more often. I love entertaining, and when the kids are around, they can play/visit or go to bed without a worry. 
  • To laugh more, to love harder and to take each day as it comes. 
What about you? What are you thankful for? What is a goal you hope to achieve over the year?

Happy New Year! (pic taken by my husband) 


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