Camp NaNoWriMo Week One review

Nine days into Camp NaNoWriMo, and I'm getting into the groove. What about you?

What is CampNaNoWriMo? It's a website where you can record your July word count goals, chat with other "campers" and be inspired to push on when the writing is a little harder to get at, because it's summertime, and if you're like me, easily distracted. Your word count goals can be anything you want vs when it's NaNoWriMo (which stands for National Novel Writing Month) in November, where the goal is 50,000 words in that month. It's can be done; it's hard but conquerable - I've 'won' NaNo three times in the past).

For me in July, with two kids home and a clipboard full of activities to cross off our bucket list, I picked a modest 30,000 words for the month. That's a little less than a thousand a day. Doable. As of this blog post, I've added 8100 words to my current manuscript (MS), bringing it over the 21,000 mark. I still need to write today, but blog posts totally count, right? LOL.

I'm carrying on, trying to get in a thousand words a day. I WILL succeed in my goal. :) I have to. There's nothing at stake but pride and bragging rights, and I'm all for that. Plus at the end of summer, my CP and I will be exchanging out stories and I want to make sure she's got something to read.

What about you? Are you partaking in #CampNaNoWriMo? Or are you supporting a 'camper'?


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