Camp NaNoWriMo Final Update

Well, well, well. I set out a goal for myself of 30,000 words in the month of July, and I'm proud to say I came out slightly ahead of the game at 33,691. Woohoo!! It feels so good. I was worried it would be pretty nasty for the most part, but I am impressed with some of it - some chapters are pretty decent and will look even better when it's completely finished and edited. Alex is amazing, but he's got a few ghosts in his closet. Kelsey is unlike any character I've written, so this will be fun! No timeline on this though. I need to get through final edits of If You Say Yes and get that off to an editor, get it formatted and a cover designed. At this point not sure what will become of Teach Me How , maybe a series (since there is enough cast in there to warrant it), maybe just a standalone. Only time will tell. Share with me your Camp NaNoWriMo successes? Even if you didn't achieve your goal, you still deserve to shine so tell me all about it. What genre...