A VBAC birth story

I was designed and destined to be a mom, and had known from a very early age that that was my purpose in life. In the last eighties (or early nineties) I used to watch an old Access TV program on VBAC births. Who knew I would need to recall that info years later with my second child? Although it took years (and that's another blog post in itself - see the Journey to Parenthood post here ) my first pregnancy was perfect. I had nothing to complain about, and just adored being pregnant and feeling this beautiful life grow within me. I had waited many years for this, and was taking the pregnancy day by day, enjoying each new milestone. I loved being pregnant! I wasn’t even upset by the fact that I was well overdue until my niece was born (who was supposed to be born after my child). Holding her, I desperately wanted to be holding my precious baby. Sure enough the next day I went into labour. :) No prenatal class, no book, no TV show prepared me for what I was ...